Friday, March 4, 2011

weeks 8-12

slowly but surely we're getting to present day.. for anyone reading.. please bear with me.. being a first time mama is all about figuring things out.. and then pretty much starting over trying to figure it out.. yet again :)

WEEKS 8 – 12 (as of 12.31.10 you weighed 12lbs 9oz and were 22 inches long)

Sunshine!! That’s your newest nickname and the one we seem to be calling you the most.. your smile is as bright as the sun.. seriously!! You’re so adorable.. always smiling.. always happy.. even when you’re puking, which unfortunately happens more frequently than it should.. we went to the doctor and found out that you have reflux, which isn’t too bad.. it will hopefully go away on its own in the next month or so and in the meantime we need to keep you upright while feeding you and keep you upright for at least 30 minutes afterwards – kind of makes changing your diaper a bit complicated.. and why wouldn’t we change your diaper BEFORE we feed you?? Oh baby girl.. we DO.. it’s just that you absolutely and adamantly refuse to poop if your diaper is not clean and new.. lol.. so we change you.. feed you some.. wait for the explosion.. and then go right back in there and change you again.. you must have a deal with pampers or something.. maybe they’re paying you on the side?? ☺

Things have gotten so much easier with you (knock on wood).. maybe we’re getting better as new parents.. maybe you’re just more satisfied with this new life of yours.. who knows.. but it’s working.. we sleep more on a regular basis.. you’ve been sleeping from about 10pm – 6 am.. how insane is that?? You then eat around 6:15 and go back to sleep afterwards till about 9.. could we be more lucky? I have to add though that you’re still sleeping in your swing.. the time is fast approaching that we’ll need to transition you to your crib and I’m sort of dreading that.. we’ve been practicing having you sleep with the swing off.. it works sometimes.. slowly but surely baby.. also.. I like having you in our room.. we’re in a 1 bedroom baby and your crib is in the “foyer” area.. which is right outside our bedroom door.. not that you’ll ever really be far from us.. but it’s so awesome to just look over and see how you’re doing.. or if your pacifier falls out you do this grunt and we put it right back and you’re back to your normal smiley self.. whether awake or asleep ☺

You got your vaccinations in mid-december.. something I had been dreading since I knew I was preggers.. 3 shots.. 1 oral.. and baby.. I was so so so so nervous taking you in.. and when the nurse came in I asked her to do everything as fast as possible and that’s the way she operates as well.. you got your two shots and literally just looked confused.. by your 3rd you knew what was up.. lol.. so you cried.. just a bit.. when she gave you the oral one though… you didn’t like that AT ALL.. but we had a bottle ready for you and you were fine within a minute.. don’t know what I was so nervous about.. something tells me the older you get, the harder these shots will get.. you have your 4-month well check in February.. let’s keep our fingers crossed for that one..

Your biggest accomplishments these last 4 weeks have been that you have now noticed your hands.. you can literally stare at them for hours and you do! It’s pretty funny.. you’ve been unclenching your hands as well and trying to fit as much as possible in your mouth.. you’re even trying to hold your bottle now and seem to get annoyed with my hand which is just in the way.. sorry baby girl.. you don’t have a good enough grip to do it on your own yet.. Also.. and this is major.. we were watching the Sugarbowl the other night (Arkansas vs. Ohio State) and obviously we were rooting for Arkansas.. unfortunately they lost after staging a fantastic comeback in the 4th quarter.. anyway.. want to know what the greatest part of the evening was?? You actually giggled!!!!!! (1.4.11) You did it once when you were a few weeks old.. then didn’t do it again.. we’d sometimes hear you laugh in your sleep.. but this was the first time you did it while awake.. I hope that 2011 is filled with your giggles!! ☺

You had a busy December.. people came from everywhere to see you.. your nana and papa came from baton rouge.. your brofuncle (my brother, your uncle) flew in from DC, your teta and jeddo flew up from mexico and next week your auntie dida is flying in from NYC.. how popular are you baby?? You sleep big parts of the day but they’re fine with seeing you even if only a few minutes.. and you love love love all the attention.. after everyone left.. you were so exhausted you slept 18 hours that day.. you NEVER sleep that long!! ☺

I recently started / joined a mommy and me group.. we have our first meeting on Tuesday of next week.. cannot cannot wait.. we’ll meet other mommies and you’ll have some real friends to finally play with.. though I have to say you seem pretty content with your reflection, teddy bear, the fan and pretty much every other object in this apartment.. I hope that you will be so easily happy and content forever baby girl.. hugs and a million kisses to our beautiful sunshine baby! ☺

time seriously is flying by.. present day.. baby girl is almost 5 months old.. wow wow wow!!