Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the first 8 weeks..

so i'm slowly catching up here.. this post was written months ago.. but we'll get to real time soon enough :)

THE FIRST 8 WEEKS: (as of 12.03.10 you weighed 10lbs 6oz and you were 22 inches long)

There are simply no words to describe the rollercoaster we’ve been on for the last 8 weeks.. the combination of having no idea what we’re doing plus no sleep is not ideal, let me tell you.. everyone kept saying that it will get easier after 40 days (or about 6 weeks).. and by easier I think they meant that you’d sleep longer and that we’d be a little more knowledgeable about what to do.. I have to say that they were right.. you BARELY slept from weeks 3-6.. no matter what we did or how hard we tried.. you just wanted to stay up and be a part of the action.. your grandpa came up (from mexico) to meet you and spend the weekend of Halloween with you.. teta and jeddo left on the 31st of October and daddy was in Arkansas that weekend.. I’m sure that I don’t need to explain Arkansas to you (woo pig soooieee ring a bell??).. anyway.. so Sunday October 31st was our first full day together and baby I was soooo nervous.. but we did it.. it wasn’t easy that’s for sure.. I put you in the cutest Halloween outfit.. you were a pumpkin in a tutu and seconds after I took a picture you projectile puked all over yourself.. lol.. at least I got that pic!!

We ended up going to LAX at night to pick up your daddy and I was convinced you were going to lose it on the way.. you didn’t like your car seat or being in a non-moving car.. and this is LA.. where traffic can appear at anytime and usually does.. we got lucky though.. the roads were clear.. we got your daddy and headed home.. of course hitting major traffic on the way back and you screamed and screamed.. but hey.. at least it happened when I was in the back with you and could try to calm you down.. though nothing really worked..

Weeks 3-6 were hard.. I would count down the hours till your daddy got home from work.. I had no idea what to do with you.. how to stop you from crying.. you were exhausted but wouldn’t sleep.. we finally spoke to a doctor and they suggested getting you a swing.. and baby we live in a 1 bedroom.. and those things are huge.. but we decided to give it a try.. best money we EVER spent.. you LOVE LOVE LOVE your swing so much it’s funny.. there’s a mirror on the top and you stare at your reflection thinking it’s your friend.. the last week or so you’ve even been smiling at “her” and trying to have conversations.. it’s adorable ☺

Speaking of smiling.. you’ve been smiling for about 4 weeks now.. at first it was totally random and usually had to do with your bowel movements lol.. but over the last few weeks they’ve been real.. you smile at your daddy alllll the time.. a few weeks ago he stayed home from work and you even laughed!!! It hasn’t happened since then but we’re waiting.. can’t wait to hear it again ☺ Your smile is the cutest thing in the entire world.. your whole face lights up and you kick your little legs and flail your arms around..

We’ve had so many nicknames for you in these 8 weeks.. from baby lyla belle to glowworm to monkey to baby girl to burpy mcfarty.. lol.. baby your poops are explosive and we have no idea how they could smell the way they do.. we’re going to blame the soy formula that you’re on for that.. deal? But seriously.. we also can’t seem to clean the folds in your neck.. so you have formula stuck in there which ends up smelling like swiss cheese.. it’s hilarious.. we’ve been better.. a bit more aggressive about actually getting in there and getting it out.. you don’t seem to like that at all.. but baby trust me.. it’s for all of our sakes ☺

All in all you’re an adorable baby girl.. we’re so excited that we can finally interact a bit with you.. you smile.. you look like you’re about to laugh but no sound comes out.. but we’re getting there.. something tells me it will be a matter of days.. cannot wait ☺ What else? Oh yeah..the last 2 weeks you’ve been sleeping a lot better.. for some strange reason you now hate your bassinet and only want to sleep in your swing which means that mama is in the living room with you.. daddy gets the bedroom alllllll to himself.. how lucky is he?? But we have a good time you and i.. we have a routine and you’ve been sleeping for about 4 hours straight through the night.. thank goodness for that!

Your Papa and Nana are currently visiting from Baton Rouge.. they couldn’t wait to meet you so we went down to Newport Beach to spend the weekend with them.. we were so worried about how you’d be.. you know, being away from home and all your stuff.. we even decided that your swing was more important than your stroller (we have a baby bjorn and a sleepy wrap) so we took that instead.. baby.. I have to say.. you made us look like the biggest liars ever.. like we had nothing to be worried about at all.. not only did you all of a sudden love your carseat.. you slept through the night.. literally.. 6 hours straight.. 3 days in a row.. we got home yesterday and you slept for your normal 4 hours.. we’ll see how tonight goes though since you didn’t finish your bottle and that may be why you didn’t sleep as much.. fingers crossed ☺

You love music.. you especially love “Piano Man” by Billy Joel and “Hello” by Evanescense.. your daddy sings them to you and you seem to be in a trance when he does that.. it’s adorable how you two look at each other.. like there’s no one else in the room.. I guess I could be jealous but baby girl, that’s what I wanted for you.. it’s still what I want.. I hope that you and your daddy have the best relationship ever and that when you’re old enough to date, hopefully you will have the foundation to know what to look for and to refuse to be treated like anything but the princess you already are.. jeez.. talking about you dating is crazy.. you’re barely 2 months old.. lol.. but hey.. time flies.. so I guess we’ll get there before we know it.. the song I sing to you is “just the way you are”.. and baby you LOVE it.. one of the lyrics goes “and when you smile.. the whole world stops and stares for awhile”.. and you smile every single time.. it’s so freaking cute..

Ok.. you’re in your swing and it’s time to feed you and get you to bed for the night.. cross your fingers that we get 6 hours baby!! ☺

i just re-read this post.. baby girl is currently 4 months and 10 days.. cannot believe how fast time is flying.. just packed away her 0-3 months clothes yesterday.. definitely a bittersweet moment.. but with every single day that passes.. this baby girl just gets cuter and more of a joy to be around.. i couldn't have even imagined how much i'd love this baby girl.. seriously.. :)

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