Tuesday, March 30, 2010

and the odds are..

hi - it's been a crazy few weeks and i apologize to my readers (hey, let me dream) for not updating sooner.. did i mention that i haven't slept through the night in over a month?? yeah, initially i thought it was the jet lag.. but i've always traveled well.. so during one of my loooooong and restless nights.. i decided to google sleep problems in the first trimester.. and guess what?? it afflicts over 70% of us.. from mild to severe.. for someone that's never had sleep problems, i was baffled - i read everything.. tried everything.. and you know what eventually ended up working? our last weekend in phoenix, arizona.

jeremy is a HUGE dodger fan.. and yet he's never been to spring training, so since the dodgers moved their facilities to phoenix, we decided to go for the weekend.. not being a baseball lover myself, i have to say that i had a great time.. we got there friday night.. i slept for about 3-4 hours.. (from 5-6:30 and then again till 8:30).. we spent the ENTIRE day at the baseball facility, hanging out with friends.. watching them drink lovely margaritas and beers.. i consoled myself with an ice-cold lemonade.. it actually did the trick! :) afterwards, we went out for an early dinner and ended up back at someone's house who lives in arizona.. actually the sister of one of jeremy's co-workers.. for those of you that live in LA or NYC, you understand how crazy it is when we walk into homes in other cities.. in all honesty.. her house is HUGE.. 5 bedrooms.. with the option of a 6th.. giant bathrooms.. walk-in closets.. for a couple and their dog.. and a snake.. they plan on filling the house with kids.. but can you even fathom all that space?? living in a one bedroom, it's hard for me to imagine.. maybe one day.. anywayyyy.. we got back to our hotel room at about midnight and i was EXHAUSTED!! i thought.. yes, this is it.. i will sleep through the night tonight for sure!! i was wrong.. another few hours here and there.. and then.. wait for it.. two nights ago (sunday night).. i slept through the entire night.. i didn't want to chance it.. maybe it was a fluke.. but it happened again last night.. can i tell you how excited i am??? i feel like me again!!! :)

so.. the test.. we went in last week for that BUN test.. sometimes also called an NT test.. or something like that.. anyway.. i'm 32.. so right off the bat.. my odds of a baby with a genetic issue.. is that the PC way of saying that?? anyway.. my odds of having a child with any sort of genetic problem was 1 in 380.. based on my age alone.. i guess we're supposed to be having kids in our 20's.. maybe my mom wasn't wrong... lol.. oh well :P anyway.. they then did the ultrasound where they managed to jiggle my belly around so puncakes would move around and show them that it indeed had two arms, two legs.. one belly.. and whatever else they were checking for.. we even heard the heartbeat!!! it was super fast 170 beats per minute (bpm) and when i heard it.. i had a moment of HOLY SH*T.. there's really someone in there!!!! i know, i've had almost 2 months to adjust to the positive pregnancy test.. but i just can't imagine that there's an actual baby in my belly.. that at this time next year.. said baby will be almost 6 months old.. honestly, isn't that insane????

ok.. back to the test.. so after they did the ultrasound and the doctor checked it all out.. they told me my odds were now 1 in 2000.. basically moving in the right direction! :) since i had my blood test done previously.. they called my OBGYN and factored in the blood test which then dropped my odds to 1 in 8000 something.. how awesome is that?? i'm super relieved to hear those numbers.. and though i didn't really picture it going any other way.. it's still crazy to believe that there are parents that are going to go into that appointment super happy and giddy about being pregnant.. and not all of us will be lucky enough to hear such good news.. trust me, i'm very well aware of how lucky we are.. thank you.. thank you.. that's really all i can say..

before i sign off.. i have an update on that ethical dilemma from last time.. as you know, i've been unemployed for the last 18 months.. it's been hard.. it's been frustrating and at times.. it's been lonely and depressing.. i have handled it as best as i know how.. but obviously i am still applying to jobs.. in the hopes that someone somewhere sees my resume.. and guess what?? today.. i got a call... and next week i have an interview.. i will be interviewing with 3 different people.. one's in HR.. one's the person who this position reports to.. and the last is a VP.. this was all just hypothetical in the last post.. but now this is real and coming up.. so i'm debating who to tell.. i know that legally i don't have to say anything to anyone.. supposedly i can wait for a job offer.. accept.. start the job and THEN mention.. oh hey.. guess what? i'll be going on maternity in about 5 months.. for me, that doesn't seem like the best option.. i would like to be honest.. but i also want to be in the running for this position.. so the question is.. when do i say something.. and to whom?? jeremy and i debated it.. we both agree that if the interviews are going well.. then i should mention something to the person that i would be reporting to (if hired).. my bff says that i should try to find out how many rounds of interviews there are.. and if more than this one.. wait till i'm in the final set of candidates standing.. i understand that logic as well.. so cyberspace.. any thoughts??

confused cuppycake

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