Tuesday, April 27, 2010

having a belly is acceptable.. but ONLY during pregnancy

forgive me for repeating the following, if i am indeed repeating it.. but did i mention my insane shopping spree at the maternity store last week?? honestly.. you'd think i was in the desert and just saw water.. i full on went nuts.. and by nuts.. i mean i spent more money than i have spent on clothes in years.. in my defense.. because, hey.. i have to stick up for myself sometimes.. so in my defense, i haven't really shopped in years, if you're wondering why.. it's simple.. we ladies, we like to do this thing that when we're a size we don't like.. we just don't buy anything in that size and walk around uncomfortably until we decide to do something about it.. this is a strategy that hardly ever works.. but still.. one that i am a full subscriber to.. so, at the maternity store, i bought all the cute stuff i haven't been buying for years.. cargo pants.. shorts.. cute tops.. pants.. a pair of jeans.. other pants.. dresses.. i could go on and on and on.. and i also rationalized by saying i would be wearing this stuff afterwards as well.. which isn't to say that i plan on not losing weight.. but honestly.. have you seen how cute maternity clothes are these days?? even major brands make clothes for the one time in your life where it seems it is acceptable to be "heavier".. all those jeans that go up to a size 12 max (rock & republic.. seven for all mankind.. you know which ones i'm talking about).. anyway.. turns out they make jeans for pregnant women too.. i just don't understand why they can't service all the in-between sizes.. i mean.. honestly.. it's ridiculous..

ok.. i'm done with that rant.. today marks 17 weeks.. which means that puncakes is now 5 ounces and 5 inches from crown to rump.. or like we adults call it.. head to toe.. AND the major development is that the skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone.. baby is becoming more real by the day!! :) one more thing about puncakes.. by this time next week.. we could possibly know if puncakes is a he or a she.. how cool is that going to be?? i am taking all the mommy advice to heart.. they say to drink something cold and with sugar before the ultrasound so that we can get the "money shot".. isn't that a lovely way of describing it.. but still.. fingers crossed!! :)

well.. i'm off to run some errands.. or more likely.. to kill a few hours before the hubs comes home.. hope everyone's having a good week so far..

cuppy :)

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