Thursday, April 22, 2010

information overload...

so.. last night i get a call from my doctor's office.. they say.. sorry.. but we have some bad news about your last blood test.. and i'm thinking.. oh oh.. this is where this all goes downhill.. so i take a deep breath and ask what the problem is.. this was a blood test for the second trimester screening.. it is meant to be taken between 15 weeks and 18 weeks (i believe).. turns out that they drew my blood at 14 weeks and 6 days.. and i guess one day.. makes a HUGE difference.. can you sense my sarcasm?

anyway.. i went in.. got it done.. and for the first time in i don't know how many blood tests.. the nurse actually found my vein on the first try.. and i think that i might get away without a giant black and blue this time.. fingers crossed!! afterwards, i treated myself to a fruit cup.. and it was fantastic!! :)

other than that, all's been well.. i am planning on visiting my family next month in mexico and we will have a baby shower while i'm there.. and then another one when i come back here.. but that's not till summertime.. anyway, i was looking at baby stuff online, because.. why not? i have all the time in the world.. my friends and husband have jobs.. and i need to find ways to entertain myself.. anyway.. it's insane how many stroller brands are out there.. honestly.. click here for a list and a short breakdown of what's what and which parent's lifestyle fits with which stroller.. it's insane! anyway.. all i really want is a stroller that the baby will be comfortable in.. that i can store baby's stuff under.. and.. that's not so heavy that i want to die every time i lift it and put it down.. and then.. that's not enough.. they even sell "travel systems".. ever heard of those?? nope.. me either.. well.. that's when you do the stroller / car seat combo.. you know.. so you can be color coordinated and so on..

it's actually kind of crazy how much baby info there is out there.. the more i read, the more stuff i think i have to buy.. so i will put it in writing.. and when i start shopping.. if you see me veer too far off this list.. feel free to call me out.. ok.. so here's what i think we need in terms of products (clothes, diapers, bottles, diaper cream, blankets, stuffed animal or two.. are a given.. here's what else we need):
1. car seat - ideally that goes from newborn to whatever the maximum age is.. most newborn car seats seem to go to 1 year and according to research need to be rear-facing for that first year.. oh yeah.. i also want the material to come off the car seat so i can actually wash it.. something tells me babies are a bit on the messy side :)
2. stroller
3. changing table
4. bassinet (i think someone's letting us borrow this part)
5. crib (just wait till i start the research on this one.. i know that the ones where the bars actually come down are no longer being manufactured.. so whichever we get.. i will need to be able to get my 5'1" frame over the bars to reach puncakes
6. baby swing (it's the only product that's been recommended by every single mom)
7. bouncy chair (i'm debating if we need this one.. i feel like a swing might be enough.. but we'll see)

ok.. so that's all i can think of.. if there are any mamas or papas reading this and thinking.. omg.. she has no clue.. feel free to share!! :)

well.. guess it's off to lunch for me.. later readers!

cuppy :)

1 comment:

  1. You write well and are funny, will keep reading!
